A social media post schedule can save you time, and also help you get better results with your social media strategy. But when you are starting from scratch, you may not know where to start.

The good news is that you can create a social media posting schedule in three easy steps. Then you can use that schedule to build your publishing queues, and build your content.

Choose Your Social Media Platforms

social media post schedule

If you are going on a date with someone, it’s not enough to decide what time you are meeting, and if you are doing dinner or a movie. You also have to pick the specific place that you are going.

Social media posting is the same way. You have to know which platforms will be best for your audience before you can get started.

While there are many other social media platforms to choose from, the biggest ones for most businesses are still Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Each of these platforms has a particular atmosphere. The key is to find the perfect match for your audience, your content, and your personality.

Each year, the Pew Research Center publishes a list of demographic information for the users of each platform, as well as trends in social media. This can be a good resource to turn to when you create your social media posting schedule.

Facebook is the largest social media network and is used by 68% of adults in the United States. Facebook also has effective advertising tools that you can use. It has the broadest appeal of all the social media networks.

Twitter is a fast-paced exchange of information and ideas. While they did up their character limit from the iconic 140 characters to 280 characters, you should still think of your content here in bite-sized pieces.

Hashtags are an important part of being discovered on Twitter– but don’t overuse them! You want to keep things casual and conversational.


Instagram is popular with younger users– 71% of 18 to 24-year-olds use the platform making it a good place to connect with that group. It’s also a very visual platform.

You can use Instagram to show…