Your audience is on social media. We’re pretty certain of that.

What we don’t yet know is where they are on social media. What platform, or platforms, are they using? Which do they engage on the most? On which are they likely to interact with your brand?

That’s what we’re here to discuss. You may think you know your audience down to the last detail, but if you’re out even slightly, you could be missing out on a lot of opportunities. Don’t let that happen.

Are You B2B or B2C?

Let’s quickly get this one out of the way. If you’re B2B, your audience is on Linkedin.

Linkedin is what people use to manage the professional side of their life. Their career, their relationships with colleagues, clients and suppliers. When your audience is sat in the office, they’re far more likely to be using Linkedin than Facebook (at least, they should be) – so you can target them whilst they’re in work-mode. This doesn’t mean your audience isn’t also on other platforms. But Linkedin should be your primary focus.

Get an In-Depth Profile of Your Audience

Establish what your customer looks like. Where do they fit demographically? What stage are they at in their…