10 Hidden Facebook Marketing Hacks You Can Try Today

When I first started diving into Facebook marketing for business I was happy to simply send out an error-free post. No typos? No poorly-cropped images? No negative feedback? Perfect!

But with each new post came new learnings about Facebook marketing best practices until it came to a point where I could explore all of the useful features that Facebook has to offer.

For the more than 2 billion active monthly users on Facebook, scrolling through the feed and catching up with the latest news is easy enough. But for the social media managers and marketers managing successful Facebook pages, there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes, making it a challenge to keep up with all of the new features they’re rolling out on a daily basis.

That’s why it’s important (and fun) for us to share all of this useful Facebook marketing information so that we can create a better experience for our audiences. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about the user.

In the spirit sharing, here are 10 hidden Facebook marketing features and hacks for social media marketers to try today!

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1. Pages to Watch

Though we’ve written about the Facebook Pages to Watch feature in the past, it still warrants a top mention here because of its awesome capabilities. Marketers can follow up to 100 different brand pages, allowing for a quick comparison of page activity (filtered by top posts over the previous 7 days), engagement and audience growth to your own.

To access the Pages to Watch feature, click “Insights”

Then find the Pages to Watch tab — directly under the “5 Most Recent Posts” section.

Add the pages you’d like to watch to your list. Once they’re added, hover over the name, click and watch the magic happen. Facebook provides a detailed view of every one of their posts from the current week. This allows you to quickly check the top posts from every page you follow in a matter of seconds.

2. Search previous posts for specific wording and insights

Many social media marketers are familiar with the standard post performance data under the Insights tab. It’s a powerful tool for measuring performance on pervious posts with stats on: reactions, link clicks, shares, likes on shares, page unlikes, hide posts and much more.

But some marketers may be unfamiliar with another great Facebook marketing feature that I like to call the Published “Post Search” tool under your page’s “Publishing Tools” tab.

I love this feature because I can easily search for posts around certain topics and see what wording, images or a combination of both has worked previously.

It’s also very useful for brands that post content more than once throughout the year (which we find very successful here at Buffer with our Rebuffer tool) as it helps to avoid duplicating poor-performing content.

Before posting an older article, ask: Have I posted this content before?

  • If no — What other sorts of posts have recently been successful and how can I replicate that success?
  • If yes — How can I repurpose this content to ensure that it reaches a brand new set of eyes?

3. Like a Page as your brand

A great way to support and show some love towards other brands on Facebook is to like their page from your personal page. But did you know that you can also like other brands’ pages as your business page? Yup!

This nifty little feature from Facebook allows marketers to support their favorite brands from their own business page.

To like another brand from your business page, search for the page you want to “Like” and go to their timeline. Then, click the small gear icon and select “Like As Your Page”:

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