Do you have a social media marketing strategy or are you making the same social media marketing mistakes that many companies make?

Do you actually have a social media marketing strategy or are you just going with the flow and hoping something comes from your vague efforts? Are you making the same social media marketing mistakes that many companies make? Here are 12 social media mistakes you may be making and how to avoid them.

No Plan

So many businesses start their social media marketing efforts with no plan. They have no plan for the journey or how they will get their audience from point A to B. Namely, from followers to paying customers. It’s a bit like setting off on a long car journey with no map or a sat nav and not even knowing which way is north. Getting to the end of your road and not even knowing if you need to turn right or left. To make your social media efforts count you need some sort of plan, even if it’s a vague strategy that you’ll post each day.

Likewise many businesses are very inconsistent with their social media postings. If you want your following and your reach to grow then you need to remain as consistent as possible. Stick to your video and blog posting schedule. Your audience will get to trust you more when they know to expect great content from you.

Not Understanding Each Platform

Each social media platform is very different. So even though you may post essentially the same content to each platform, they all have their own posting styles, images sizes, character counts. They also all operate very differently. Twitter is fast and the shelf life of a tweet is just minutes. If you want to be seen then you need to be active. Facebook is great for targeting your exact ideal customer. Instagram is all about the pretty not the wordy. Pinterest is a search engine with eye-catching images. And YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world.

Learn the differences between them and how to format your content for each.

Content For Content’s Sake

Don’t just post for the sake of posting. Every piece of content you put out must have a purpose to it and be of some benefit to your audience.

Following Irrelevant Trends

There’s always a passing bandwagon for a social media expert to jump on. But before you go ‘all in’ and start jumping on those bandwagons, firstly make sure it’s going in your direction but also make sure that it’s relevant to your business and your audience.

A few years ago when live streaming became a thing, there was a whole bunch of ‘experts’ that would have you believe that your business would die if you weren’t live streaming your every move. Guess what? Nobody’s business died because they didn’t live stream but the careers of a few so-called experts did when they failed to understand that this trend wasn’t for every…