12 Ways Online Publishers Make Money

Confusion and overwhelm.

That describes it….and I work in the industry.

An insider.

Became an online publisher, digital marketer and entrepreneur.

A writer.

Immersed myself in the global game.

I didn’t know where it was going. Just knew it was exciting.

And it is.

But making sense of it….that’s another thing.

It keeps morphing

Changing and shape shifting.

Algorithms that made you visible. On page one. Removed.


Websites that worked. Superseded by apps.

And disrupted by mega platforms.

A near broken company called Apple that made smart mobiles mainstream has now changed the world.

Business is changing in front of our eyes. But so many can’t see it.

Or make sense of it.

So what do we do?

What were business models that worked for decades have been torn up!

Newspapers, music, book publishers, video rental are just a few. The Web has destroyed and splintered old business models.

So free content everywhere.

How do you monetise. Make money? As an online publisher.

What is a publisher?

In the past it was the book publishers. newspaper publishers and all those in the traditional role of publishing old media.

Today we have new media.

The rise of the social and mobile web has made us all publishers. The traditional role of what defines a publisher has been torn up.

Those that want to publish for a living are now a splintered bunch with different types of media at their disposal.

Audio (Podcasting), video, live streaming, images and photographs, ebooks and the list goes on.

Any creator and digital entrepreneur that want to monetise their knowledge, influence and creativity across many media types needs to understand the new game.

A lean business model

Modern publishers need to keep overheads down.

So….avoid fancy offices. A home office will do or the corner of your local cafe.

It worked for J.K. Rowling.

Don’t hire staff but outsource to key contractors that have the skills you need. Employees can be hired if necessary later when your business model is working consistently.

Keep it simple.

Focus on one platform and one media type at first. You can’t be an expert podcaster, video producer and an…