Facebook facts
It is rumoured that Facebook was going to call the like button “awesome”. But they didn’t.

That is a good thing because the word awesome is over used already. It is often trotted out to try and make the ordinary a little more extraordinary. You may also have noticed I used it in the “headline”. But I couldn’t help myself.

That is maybe one time too many. Sorry.

So back to social media facts. Facebook was the first social media network I joined in 2008 and at the time there were about 50 million users but growing rapidly. This seeming fad at the time was not seen as anything but a passing phase.

How wrong were those dinner party discussions.

The Facebook global numbers

Today there are nearly 1.4 billion users that are spread all around the world. It connects different cultures and allows us to share with family and friends in real time.

The USA and Canada is now just a sub-set of the Facebook global family.

  • Asia Pacific is the largest at 449 million
  • Europe has another 301 million.
Facebook facts

The Facebook ecosystem

In the Facebook ecosystem there are apps and apps. From messaging apps including WhatsApp and Messenger, to visual apps like Instagram and even Occulus. Occulus is the virtual reality technology that Facebook bought for $2 billion just over 12 months ago.

Their numbers are also large by any measure.

Facebook ecosystem