A Long List of Instagram Statistics That Marketers Need to Know | Hootsuite Blog
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Should you be using Instagram to grow and connect with your audience and customers? Considering the platform’s popularity and reach, the answer is almost certainly yes.

Here’s a collection of Instagram stats that show how powerful a platform it is for brands and businesses. Use these figures to inform your own Instagram marketing strategy.

Instagram user statistics

1. Instagram has over 800 million monthly active users

With 800 million monthly active users, Instagrammers regularly show their love for the platform. Among the major social networks, only Facebook and YouTube have more people logging in each month.

And the number of daily Instagram users jumped to 500 million (second only to Facebook) from 200 million in just a few months.

2. 80% of Instagram users come from outside of the U.S.

Eighty percent of all Instagram users come from countries outside of the United States, according to Instagram’s own data. This means big global ad revenue.

eMarketer estimates that Instagram will bring in $6.84 billion in global mobile ad revenue in 2018–a rapidly increasing chunk of parent company Facebook’s global ad revenues.

After the U.S. with over 88 million monthly active users, a Statista DMO survey found that Russia, Brazil, Turkey, the U.K., Poland, Canada, France, and Japan all have more than 10 million active users.

3. Instagram is used by 38% of women in the U.S. and 26% of men

A 2016 Pew Research study of U.S. residents found that of the 32 percent of online adults who use Instagram, women are in the majority. (Pew did not track those who identify as gender non-conforming.) The study shows that 38 percent of women and 26 percent of men regularly use Instagram to like, share, and post.

4. 59% of Instagrammers in the U.S. are under 30

The numbers are heavily skewed to younger folk. 18- to 29-year-olds comprise 59 percent of users in the U.S., followed by the 30 to 49-year-olds accounting for 33 percent.

Meanwhile, 70 percent of American Instagram users have a post secondary education.

5. Teenagers love Instagram

As for American teenagers, in the Piper Jaffray semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens survey, Instagram came second only to Snapchat as their most important social network. However, according to eMarketer, 63 percent of 13 to 17-year-olds use Instagram daily, compared to 54 percent for Snapchat.

6. Facebook and Pinterest are Instagrammers’ other favourite networks

According to the 2016 Pew survey, 95 percent of all Instagram users in the U.S. also use Facebook, followed by Pinterest (54 percent), and Twitter (49 percent).

7. A lot of Instagram users have pretty deep pockets

Among the adults, the Pew survey also did a breakdown of income:

  • 38 percent of adult Internet users who make less than $30,000 per year use Instagram, along with…
  • 32 percent of those who bring in $30,000 to $49,999.
  • 32 percent of those who earn between $50,000 and $74,999.
  • 31 percent of those who make over $75,000 per year.

You can compare the 2016 Pew findings to their previous year’s survey by reading our post on the Top Instagram Demographics that Matter Most to Social Media Marketers.

Instagram usage statistics

When it comes to Instagram’s active monthly users, how active is active? And what exactly do they do when they’re there?

In general, people use Instagram as a way to follow their passions. It’s similar to Pinterest in that regard. This People Insights post and podcasts by Facebook IQ looks at what this means for auto, beauty, travel, and sports brands in particular.

Here’s a rundown of some more specific Instagram usage statistics.

8. People are spending more time on Instagram

Instagram Stories has helped to increase the amount of time people spend on the network, according to Instagram. Users under 25 years old spend more than 32 minutes a day on the platform, while those over 25 spend more than 24 minutes a day.

9. Instagram users “like” over 4.2 billion posts per day

Some people say Instagram is the happiest place…