25 LinkedIn Facts and Statistics You Need to Share
Attending business networking events for me has often been a waste of time.

It feels like speed dating without a happy ending. Too many people with business cards and nothing in common.

The experience?

Frustrating, fake and futile. Much snake oil and not enough authentic connecting.

The social web has reinvented that desperate business networking.

Weak ties and strong ties

Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn you can connect online with people that have a common interest on the other side of the world or around the corner. You share their tweet, leave a comment or offer something of value in their Twitter stream or on Facebook page. It’s a small connect but it is often noticed and valued.

This is the weak tie connection.

Want to take it up a notch and then you can Skype, grab a coffee or even share a meal. You can see the color of their eyes, sense their passion and authentic presence. A real relationship can commence.

This is where the strong ties start.

Lurking, loitering or effective?

LinkedIn is a place where hundreds of millions of professionals from around the world hang out, connect and network. It is the default business persons social network. It is more effective than lurking at a a business cocktail party waiting to be pounced on.

Many mistakes are made on LinkedIn from selling without creating a relationship, to not being clear on your profile. But on the other hand it can be used to generate leads faster than your competition if you are willing to learn how to use it effectively.

Want to learn how to be effective on LinkedIn? We are running another FREE webinar this week. Register now.

LinkedIn can also be used as a global CRM platform to target potential clients and grow your business.

LinkedIn facts and statistics
