25 Top Podcasts That Will Spark Your Entrepreneurial Vision

Ever heard anyone say that the trend is your friend? Sure, if something is getting a lot of attention, you probably should examine it yourself. When it comes to podcasts though, it’s possible that too much buzz is a bad thing. This has been stellar year for educational podcasts and a banner year in the shear volume of podcasts appearing on platforms like SoundCloud, iTunes and even YouTube. The clutter is making it hard to determine what really is right for you.

Podcasts so popular because they boost productivity and let you learn while doing other things. They are a simple solution to the complex problem of gaining knowledge while keeping a hectic daily schedule. It’s inherently attractive to become more of an expert on a subject in the time it takes for you to commute to work. That’s what podcasts offer.

Many entrepreneurs, business owners and startup founders are getting hooked on these educational broadcasts. It’s an indication these will be an integral part of our media diet and marketing methods in the future.

And, yes, there are a lot of amazing new podcasts but, as I said, are a lot aren’t. Let’s separate the wheat from the chaff to find 25 of the best podcasts available for you to listen to when you finish reading this post.

1. StartUp

This podcast covers what it’s really like to get a business off the ground. Gimlet Media has some really enjoyable startup podcasts. The story about how Blumberg founded Gimlet is inspiring and motivational. This podcast has a winning mix of personal and professional experiences and it’s amazing for all of the struggling entrepreneurs out there.

2. Mixergy

Personal success stories from world-famous entrepreneurs, Mixergy has a large volume of podcasts and free courses that will help in walking that challenging start up path easier.

3. How to Start a Start Up

This is a collection of free podcasts that include everything you need to know about the start up life. “How to start a Start Up” touts all of the world’s experts in one place. Do you have any doubts about starting your own business? These podcasts can change your mind.

4. Dose of Leadership

Richard Rierson has all of the life experience and knowledge that a person needs to become a leader. In his top-notch podcasts, he interviews professionals, talks about his own life experiences and what made him into the successful leader he is now.

5. HBR Idea Cast

Sarah Green is an editor at the Harvard Business Review and she also interviews major names like Eric Schmidt from Google in her podcasts. This one truly has amazing and educational content.

6. Manager Tools

This podcast offers practical advice on handling management issues. Hosted by Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman, this is everything you need to move forward and run your career.

7. Office Hours

Daniel Pink has the experience and the expertise to preach about self-growth, passion, and…