I sometimes feel guilty when I shouldn’t.

And it also happens when I spend time reading books.

The challenge is that because I enjoy reading so much that it doesn’t seem like I am doing work.

And the work ethic that drives most of us is so strong that stealing time to read can sometimes be seen as a sinful pleasure.

But I stumbled across this quote by Stephen King a few years ago that changed my thinking.

“If you want to write a lot you need to read a lot. There is no other way.”

This insight was an inspiration for me to take my reading to a whole new level.

The reading habits of successful people are also a reminder of why spending and committing time to read is essential.

Warren Buffet is reported to spend 5-6 hours a day reading. The young Elon Musk spent 10 hours a day reading and Bill Gates reads a book a week.

So here are 3 inspiring books I have read recently that have been a motivation to create and nurture life habits that matter and inspire change and personal growth.

I was reading the weekend newspaper and came across a review of this book by the…