3 Reasons Why Influencer Marketing Produces Incredible Value

Interest in influencer marketing is at an all-time high, and there is no sign of it slowing down. My agency is being inundated with requests from businesses and brands of all sizes daily, all wanting to capitalize on this popular marketing strategy.

The most common question we receive is, “How does influencer marketing help?”

Many just assume that leveraging the large following of an influencer translates into more eyeballs on their business and or offer, which it does, and more sales, which it can, but there is more to it. Here are the three main reasons influencer marketing has the ability to deliver incredible value to brands that leverage it correctly.

1. The return on investment (ROI) can be unmatched.

One of the most attractive benefits of influencer marketing is the ROI it can deliver. A couple years ago, Adweek ran a story about how influencer campaigns earn $6.85 in earned media value per every $1 spent, and it created quite the buzz.

Brands are successfully leveraging the right-fit influencers to drive sales as well as brand awareness. Both immediate value and long-term value can be achieved through influencer marketing, depending on how the campaign is structured.

The key, like with any marketing, is to fully understand what your target market is. “Marketing needs to be audience focused and it must authentically appeal as much to emotions as to logic. The goal, really, is to know and understand your customer so intimately that your product or service sells itself. When you can do that, you create lasting value and drive revenue,” explains Dana Harvey, CCO of