
Your team has developed audience personas and knows which topics and keywords resonate with your audience. The content promotion plan is done and the KPIs are set.

You begin assigning the content marketing work.

And then you hit a wall: You can’t find enough quality content creators to join the team.

I hit that wall, then figured out a solution – a process to build content teams in a short time with relative ease.

To avoid the wall – or to break through it – consider these tricks and tools.

Why it takes so long to hire

Does posting opportunities to job boards consume most of your hiring time?


The time-consuming component of the hiring process is vetting and interviewing the applicants.

The average interview process in the United States runs 23.8 days, according to Glassdoor research.

That’s too long.

And that’s where online tools can help speed up the process and help you find quality content creators to implement your content marketing strategy.

How digital tools can shorten interview time

Vervoe is an interview-automation tool my company used to craft an interview process and workflow for hiring.

Applicants use Vervoe to go through each step, responding to pre-set questions we selected through a drag-and-drop function. The program also creates a dashboard so we can see where each candidate is in the process.

If you don’t want to go through all the applicants’ answers manually, you can have Vervoe grade the answers based on preferred answers you provided earlier. Candidates making the grade (whatever you determine that to be) are advanced to the next stage in the interview process.

As an alternate to Vervoe, you can use a tool like Typeform (free) to create slick full-screen forms such as this one we created for one of our searches:


With both Vervoe and Typeform, once a candidate completes the interview, you receive an email notification.

And the automation-assisted process doesn’t have to stop there.

To streamline the output of results entered through the Typeform application, you can integrate it with Zapier, an automated workflow service, and connect it to your Google account. The output is a Google Sheets document, which makes the review process of completed interviews easier.


After you set up the “Zap,” all new Typeform entries from applicants are automatically populated to the Google Sheet.

How to shorten the process time

We first send applicants an initial questionnaire link (from Vervoe or Typeform) to quickly ascertain whether they’re qualified for the role.

TIP: We eliminate any applicant (rows on the Google Sheet) who hasn’t included samples – that’s a red flag.

If they pass that step with convincing answers, we send a link to a final questionnaire to see how passionate the…