“Wow, you have the best job ever, getting to work from home.”

“You’re so lucky. I wish I had that option.”

Those are some of the comments I hear when I mention to others I work from home. Typically, I just nod and say, “Yes, it’s awesome.”

I love working from home because I get to make my own schedule. I can pick up my kids during the day and go to their performances or games. I don’t have to worry about sitters or after-school care.

But anyone who works from home knows that isn’t the whole story.

Sometimes I forget to change my clothes for days. Sometimes I have no breakfast and cold coffee. Sometimes it’s 3:00 p.m. and I’ve forgotten to each lunch, so I eat chips because I’m in the middle of a project.

Working from home comes with surprising challenges that can leave you feeling frazzled or stuck. On particularly difficult days, you may even doubt your own abilities.

To help you overcome some of those tricky situations, today I’m going to share three simple strategies I’ve learned from many years of working from home.

1. Honor what you accomplish each day (and even what you don’t)

I recently watched a TED Talk by Brené Brown about the power of vulnerability.

If you have about 20 minutes to check it out, even if you have before, I encourage…