Spark new interest in your brand among new and current customers.

3 Strategies to Reinvent Your Marketing and PR Playbook

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Technology has forever changed the way we learn about new brands and interact with our favorites. With smartphones always at our fingertips, we are constantly being bombarded with information, and brands are battling it out to earn our attention. This competition puts increased pressure on marketers to cut through all the noise and keep their brands top-of-mind and relevant with customers.

If your customers are not engaging with your current marketing message and approach, consider these steps to give your brand a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Try a reverse.

If marketers in your industry all gravitate toward a particular strategy or tactic, here’s the question you should ask yourself: Is this really the best way to reach your own customers?

In the insurance industry, for example, fear-based marketing is a common approach. Much of the insurance advertising you see focuses on fear and the need to minimize risk. At Hiscox, we believe that nothing great can happen without risk. We don’t fear risk, rather we fear not taking the risk. Our “Encourage Courage” brand platform has resonated with business owners because it celebrates the positive power of risk-taking. We communicate to our customers that insurance helps alleviate fear and risk, and it gives you the freedom to pursue your dreams. Breaking with the norm and taking an alternative approach makes people sit up and take notice.

If everyone in your industry operates from the same playbook, how can you demonstrate your unique value to your customers? In the case of Hiscox, we focused our efforts on a long-term relationship built on courage rather than a potential short-term sale driven by fear. You could take a similar approach and run a new play…