Once you find your voice in your writing it can be intimidating to actually put your thoughts out there in the public eye on the internet. There is the possibility of judgement and scrutiny, and, let’s be honest, there are a lot of haters out there.

Remember this: For every hater, there is someone else who will connect with your message, and it could possibly change their life. Isn’t that worth it?

Duty versus fear.

When you find your voice, it is your responsibility and your duty to use it. When you are having a mental battle whether to publish a certain blog post, email or article, many fears may arise.

Questions may plague your mind: Should I publish what I really think? Will my thoughts or message rub some people the wrong way? Is everyone going to think I’m sitting on my high horse preaching to them?

Well, guess what? That is exactly how some people are going to think of you. But, there will be people who will think your message is amazing. You have two choices. You can either let the fear stop you. Or, you can do it anyway.

Here are three steps to getting over your fear of putting your message out there once you have found your true voice.

Have confidence in yourself.

If you doubt yourself, then why should anyone else have confidence in what you have to say? It is important to know you are unshakeable in what you have to share. This will help…