4 Online Tools to Help Amplify Your Personal Brand

The internet is an incredible resource for those looking to build a strong personal brand. It can provide you with a platform to reach a worldwide audience, specific to your industry, helping to position yourself as an expert and thought leader.

When I first founded my marketing agency, I leveraged personal branding to scale its growth. Over time, that personal branding effort helped pivot the company from a service provider to an online marketing consulting agency. That pivot wouldn’t have been possible without a solid personal brand already established. If you are ready to amplify your personal brand online, consider these four tools.

1. Facebook Groups

Strengthening your personal brand requires that you get personal, and there is no better platform than Facebook. One of the most effective way to engage with people within a specific industry is via Facebook Groups.

Create a group, then invite your audience to join. Your email list and social media followers are a great place to start. I would highly advise you to create a private group and approve members before adding them. This screening process will help to eliminate 99 percent of spam issues.

Facebook fan pages are a thing of the past — groups are where the action and engagement is these days, and anyone that is currently active in a group or runs one already, will tell you that Facebook is putting a lot of energy into the feature.

Once you have an audience, it gives you the ability to host round-table discussions, Q&A sessions and even broadcast live to your group. As the value you provide increases, so will the number of requests…