4 Shady Growth Tactics Entrepreneurs Should Never Use

Growing a business isn’t easy. It feels like there’s always 100 things entrepreneurs must do every day and more gets added to the list. It’s even harder when the income is inconsistent. You started a business to create freedom and control in your life, but you also want financial freedom. Stress related to money affects too many people and your business is one thing you do to alleviate that. When the income growth isn’t there, entrepreneurs start thinking about growth strategies.

Just as with everything in life, there are good strategies and terrible ones. The ones that hurt entrepreneurs the most are the strategies that done without realizing they’re shady. These growth strategies are so common these days that you might not think twice when you do them. They seem like they’ll help you but they’re doing the opposite. Avoid these four shady growth tactics that are hurting your business and ruining your reputation.

1. Adding people to your email list without them signing up.

It many places around the world, it is illegal to add someone to your email list without their permission. What I am talking about here is the “grey” area. These days, it’s not uncommon for someone that you’ve talked to through email or even someone you’ve interacted with on LinkedIn to take your email address and add you to their list. The logic they use is that since you’ve interacted, it’s implied consent.

If you have done this, STOP! People absolutely hate this tactic. They see red when they get an email from a list they didn’t sign up for. It’s super shady and I guarantee that you will start your relationship on the wrong note.