If you have ever used stickers on Instagram stories, you know how many options there are. Remember when Instagram released selfie stickers and geostickers? Instagram hasn’t stopped there. Recently, the company launched a new interactive sticker called Instagram Polls.

Instagram Polls is still such a new feature that you might be stumped on how to use it and gain value from it for your business. Here are four ways to use the Instagram Polls feature, with examples.

1. Create a Sense of FOMO

Nobody likes to feel FOMO (fear of missing out). Fear of missing out is the fear that if you don’t go to an event, your friends will go, and talk about how amazing it was, and you’ll regret not being there with them. The best way to get people to your event is to cause your followers to feel that FOMO.

For example, Girls Who Code posted an Instagram Poll asking followers if they were at the Grace Hopper Celebration. To participate in the poll, you would either vote “yes” or “no.”

Girls Who Code was likely not taking an RSVP through this poll. So why would they use this feature?

It’s all in the psychology of the viewer. Tapping “yes” could result in a sense of accomplishment or a feeling of being part of the community. Tapping “no” is an active vote for not being there.

Usually missing an event is passive–you don’t attend either because of forgetfulness, lack of interest, or lack of knowledge that the event was happening. However, the poll introduces a call to action that makes active the choice to attend or not attend. While an event poster could be ignored, a poll asks the viewer to tap their finger on a choice. The result is a greater awareness of the event and a possible increase in FOMO for people who would have to vote “no.”

Photo of women at a Girls Who Code event. Text on top of photo says:

2. Invite Followers to Think about Your Brand

Often an initial…