5 Most Common Networking Mistakes

The following excerpt is from Ivan Misner, Ph.D. and Brian Hilliard’s book Networking Like a Pro. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

1. Lack of follow-up

Not following up after networking tops our list of worst networking mistakes. Most people have made this error because they get caught up with their other responsibilities. It’s an innocent blunder, but not following up is not only a mistake but also counterproductive. You’d be better off NOT networking in the first place than you are networking and not following up with the people you meet. (Yes, it’s that bad.)

Remedying this mistake is all about putting a system in place so you form a habit after each networking event you attend. It’s like packing your gym bag the night before — doing so sets you up to make it to the gym the next morning.

2. Unclear unique selling proposition

Ineffectively presenting your business and its value — the unique selling proposition (USP) — is detrimental because people need to understand what you do in order to successfully pass business your way. You can attend the all networking events you want, but if no one understands what you do or the services you offer, then you’re wasting your time — and it’s one of the most common mistakes business professionals make. A properly constructed USP can go a long way to curing your networking blues.

We recommend your USP follows a simple formula:

“I work with [target market] to help them [benefit].”

Brian’s unique selling proposition is succinct and direct: “I help busy entrepreneurs market their business in less than 90 days.” That formula leads people to ask not just Brian but also anyone else using the formula, “Well, how do you do that?” The unfolding of the conversation naturally leads Brian to discuss his business and what makes a good referral for him.

3. Confusing networking with face-to-face cold calling

For this mistake, we need to start with a discussion of the difference between networking and cold calling. Networking is all about relationships and, more specifically, developing them to the point where…