If your social media marketing results are anything less than expected, it could be because of several reasons. Even the smallest of these factors could mean the difference between having a viral post or having a dead post. Both experienced and novice social media marketers are prone to committing these mistakes, by a momentary lapse of judgment.

Are you suffering the setbacks of these 5 social media marketing blunders? Let’s find out.

#1 Publishing too often or too infrequent

Your frequency of publishing matters more than you know. Publishing too often could annoy your followers while publishing too rarely could drastically reduce your reach. So, what’s the right publishing frequency? Well, that depends on your brand, industry, and size of social media following. Regardless, the best way to identify the ideal publishing frequency is by conducting experiments.

Use a social media scheduling tool such as DrumUp to schedule different frequencies over a 2-3 week period and see what works best for your brand.

#2 Being overly promotional

Too much of promotional content can be a huge turn-off on social media and elsewhere. If you don’t want to drive your followers away, you should ideally balance promotional content with neutral and non-promotional posts. While you do need to give your products and services some visibility, that shouldn’t be the only things you talk about.

If you can’t invest in creating non-promotional content, curate existing content – news, tips and ideas – using a content curator like Feedly. It’ll save you time and serve your purpose…