Instagram Bio Ideas for Business | Hootsuite Blog

While you might already have developed a strategy for your Instagram posts, you may be neglecting a critically important element of your Instagram strategy. Your Instagram profile creates the first impression of your brand and is the backbone of your Instagram presence. It’s also your only chance to provide a clickable link anywhere on Instagram.

Your Instagram bio gives you 150 characters of prime real estate to show visitors who you are, what you offer, and why they should care, so it’s worth investing the time to get it right. With these Instagram bio ideas, you can be sure your profile paints an accurate and compelling picture of your brand on the social network Forrester Research called “the king of social engagement.”

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps an adventure photographer used to grow from 0 to 110,000 followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear. Plus we’ll show you how you can use Hootsuite to grow your own following on Instagram and other platforms.

What’s included in your Instagram profile

Before you start developing Instagram bio ideas, you need to understand the key components that form the bones of your Instagram profile.


The text you enter in this field appears in bold at the top of your Instagram bio. You should include your brand name, of course, but don’t stop there. This field gives you 30 characters to work with, allowing you to include a variation on your name (such as Saturday Night Live – SNL), or a keyword or two to clarify what your brand is about and help users find you (like Headspace (mindfulness app)).

The name field is included in Instagram searches, so a strategic keyword here can help users find you… but avoid keyword-stuffing, which is a surefire way to turn potential new fans away.


This is your identity on Instagram, and it forms part of your profile URL, so choose carefully! Make your username consistent with your handle on other social networks so it’s easy for users to tag you on multiple networks at once.


This is the only place on all of Instagram where you can post a clickable link. You can change it as often as you like, so you can link to your newest or most important content (like your latest blog post or video), a special campaign, or a landing page that specifically speaks to visitors coming from Instagram. Try using a URL shortener with a tracking code to get real-time statistics on visitors from Instagram.


Your brand’s bio needs to explain who you are and what you do, convey your brand’s unique personality, and use targeted language to show your ideal audience that they have come to the right place. That’s a big ask for a small space—you only have 150 characters—so you’ll need to get creative and use a few tricks to make your bio stand out.

So, with your other profile elements in place, it’s time to tackle the Instagram bio.

Instagram bio ideas, tips, and inspiration for brands

Embrace the emoji

Even if you feel emoji are too cutesy to use on most of your brand communication, you may want to consider adding them to your Instagram bio toolbox. The emoji you choose—from faces to animals to the more restrained symbols like checkmarks and letters—create a sense of brand personality.

An emoji may not be worth a thousand words, but where character count is tight, the right emoji can tell visitors more about your brand than you possibly could with words alone. Take a look at how Asos uses a string of emoji in the example below to show visitors what to expect from their feed while creating a sense of the brand’s fun-loving approach. (Bonus points for the pointing finger used to highlight the clickable link.)

instagram bio ideas

Note the use of the ghost emoji to introduce the brand’s Snapchat handle, a commonly understood emoji…