What does it look like when content, influencers and social media come together to generate a metaphorical gold mine in terms of revenue and reach? To put it mildly, it’s drop dead gorgeous.

At least that was the view from my seat at Content Marketing World as Estée Lauder’s Executive Director of Global Content Marketing Alicianne Rand shared the incredible success her organization has achieved through their integrated content marketing strategy

So, what needs to happen to take your content marketing strategy from drab to fab? Here are four tips straight from Rand herself.

Tip #1 – Use data to drive your content marketing strategy

At Estée Lauder, Rand and team have built a framework to simplify how they look at data.

Step 1: Track trends based on deep social listening, then look at how trends move from rising to evergreen and eventually declining patterns.

Rand cited a trend called “popsicle lips” that first launched at fashion week by Mac. At first, folks were skeptical, but it was quickly picked up by industry insiders, and then popsicle lips became the No. 1 trend of the summer.

“The trend started with a subculture that consumers may not have necessarily gravitated toward,” she said. “But then it moved into a creative expressions that consumers want to use and wear every day.”

Step 2: Analyze content and brand performance, and then use these insights to quickly experiment.

Rand said that her team constantly evaluates their performance against the competition.

“We ask: how do we perform against the competition in terms of market share?” she explained. “Our ability to grow that share over time is what we’re really concerned about.”

For Estée Lauder, that means mobilizing employees as influencers and trendsetters in the industry.

“Think about how you can activate your employees to make things real,” she suggested. “And really test and learn to figure out what works best.”

Step 3: Map everything against business goals.

At the end of the day,…