I wrote about writing practice last week for a specific reason.

Summer is quickly arriving here in the Northern Hemisphere, and when the seasons change, I reevaluate my habits and goals.

  • What should I stop doing (aka, What’s not working?)
  • What could I optimize?
  • What would I like to add to my routine?

You probably see where I’m going with this … you can also seize this time to refine your habits and goals.

And if your writing sessions ever feel unproductive, I have an eye-opener that will help you approach them with more ease.

Introducing the Necessary Mess

One reason we struggle w/ insecurity: we’re comparing our behind the scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.

— Steven Furtick (@stevenfurtick) May 10, 2011

If you’re not an editor, the articles you read online are the final versions of those articles.

That’s obvious, yes, but we often don’t stop to think about all of the versions of a piece of content that existed before it was published.

It might look like it was created effortlessly.

You picture the author opening up their WordPress dashboard, selecting a New Post, and typing out a coherent draft. After a little editing and proofreading, they’re ready to publish.

If it were only that straightforward.

So, today I want to highlight what goes on in Draft Mode, especially the nonsensical nature of most drafts.

The first version of an article typically just needs to translate an idea into some words.

Here’s a sample of one of mine.

My handwriting is sloppy. There is no logical order. It’s simply what I needed to start crafting my thoughts … and it eventually led to the post you’re reading right now.

If you look closely at the image above (please don’t), you’ll see that the term “Necessary Mess” was originally “ugly…