If you are like me, you sometimes struggle with coming up with ideas. And once you have the ideas, you find it difficult to keep them organized. When I explained my conundrum to a friend, she suggested mind mapping. I am a visual person, so it made sense. But I didn’t quite understand how it worked or even how to get started. So, to break it all down, I invited Roger Parker to join a recent #CMWorld Twitter chat.

Mind mapping seemed to hit its peak popularity a couple years ago. Why is this an organizational tactic we shouldn’t ignore?

A1 #Mindmapping rewards expert users who say it saves them an average of 7 hours per week #CMWorld That’s like gaining a day off each week!

— Roger C. Parker (@Rogercparker) May 29, 2018

A1. Mind Mapping is so useful because everybody can understand the associations it illustrates. #cmworld

— Tod Cordill (@todcordill) May 29, 2018

A1: I think it’s always a good idea to put everything out in the forefront. When you see the big picture, you’re more apt…