
Having a business relationship with Facebook is time consuming – there’s an update every few weeks, and it takes all your effort to keep up with the latest features.

Giving up on that relationship isn’t an option. With more than 79% of American internet users on Facebook, the platform holds the keys to your potential customers’ hearts.

My relationship with Facebook ads had its first sparkle two years ago. Since then, I’ve overseen 80-plus Facebook ad campaigns that reached more than 2 million people across 30-plus countries.

How do I keep up with all the updates and news? Here’s the secret: I don’t, aside from keeping an eye on a couple of blogs about the topic.

That’s because most Facebook advertising hacks never get old. You learn them once and keep applying the same best practices across all your Facebook ad campaigns. Start with these 10 key evergreen tactics.

1. Know your customers

Surely, you’ve seen ads in your Facebook newsfeed. I bet you’ve ignored a good share of those ads while clicking only a few.

You know what was wrong with those ads that failed to catch your attention? The ads weren’t necessarily bad, they were simply not reaching the right audience.

When it comes to Facebook advertising, it is crucial to know your customers well enough to create a highly targeted Facebook ad audience. You must have a good audience match for people to engage with your campaign. For example, if you promoted chocolate bars to people on a diet, your campaign ROI wouldn’t be as high.

Here’s a Facebook ad from GoPro – it only makes sense for people who own an older model of a GoPro camera, not potential users.


To make sure your Facebook ads are relevant to the target audience:

  • Create slightly different ads and messaging for each customer persona.
  • Target ads based on where your target is in the conversion funnel — advertise different messages to the people who never heard of your product, to people slightly familiar with your product, and to your loyal customers.

2. Leverage advanced Facebook audiences

Targeting people based on their interests is a foolproof way to create a Facebook audience. However, the real gold mine of Facebook marketing opens when you use the advanced audience features: custom audiences and lookalike audiences.

In one case, we showed the ad below to a wide set of people by using Facebook saved audiences – targets are based on demographics and interest. And guess what? It didn’t work. At all.


The cold audiences were not particularly interested in committing to a new project management tool.

We switched and targeted people who had been to our landing page by installing a Facebook pixel on our website and targeting them through the custom audience feature in Facebook advertising.

TIP: Exclude people who visited the thank-you page on your website (indicating they completed a purchase) from your Facebook targeting. (We’ll address the benefits of this buying group when lookalike audiences are discussed later.)


Consider targeting these high-ROI types of visitors to your site:

  • Previous website visitors
  • Landing page visitors
  • Blog readers (even better if you segment them by topics)
  • Pricing page visitors
  • Shopping cart abandoners
  • Existing customers (for up-sell campaigns)

3. Make high-value offers

Your Facebook ad should always include two messages: a call to action and a good reason for taking that action.

Usually, advertisers get it right when it comes to including the call to action. What many Facebook ads are missing is a unique value proposition – a clear one-liner that explains how your product or service will benefit the viewer.

As Peep Laja from ConversionXL puts it: “Value proposition is something real humans are supposed to understand. It’s for people to read.”

For example, this Facebook ad has a powerful value proposition: Reach more than 433 million professionals through LinkedIn.


Alternatively, you can offer a free product trial or a limited-time discount code. The New York Times, for instance, offers a discounted subscription. The small investment by the readers makes them value the deal more than they would with a free offer.


TIP: Don’t brag about your product’s features that seem amazing to you but are irrelevant to your target audience.

A simple litmus test for evaluating your value offers is to put yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask: “Would I click on this ad and buy that product?” If the answer is no, spend some more time perfecting the value proposition.

4. Use original designs

Facebook users see tens if not hundreds of images in their newsfeeds daily. If your Facebook ads resemble other pictures in their newsfeed, you’ll get a lot less attention. To make your ads stand out from the crowd, design original ads instead of using stock images. In fact, make your ads boldly stand out so people can’t help but notice.

One of the easiest ways is to use bright colors….