Here's the Trick to Writing Blog Posts People Genuinely Want to Read

With a title like that, I suppose this article better be a homerun.

The average marketer spends between 60 and 90 minutes crafting a 500-word blog post. That’s a lot of time spent on just one shorter-than-average post. All that time can easily go to waste if the post doesn’t drive traffic and no one is reading it.

Before dedicating one, two, or even more hours of your life to writing a blog post, follow these tips to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

1. Avoid promotion.

The first, and maybe most important, rule of blogging is to avoid promotion. Whether that is self promotion, promotion of an affiliated brand, or promotion of some guy off the street willing to pay you for a mention in a blog post. You may not realize it at the time, but direct promotion in a blog is obvious to nearly everyone. This isn’t 2008 when no one realized that people pay for contextual placements online. Do yourself and your brand a huge favor, and make your posts have great content. A lack of promotion is always the best promotion.

2. Use visuals.

Infographics, videos, pictures. Content these days can be so much more than just words on a page. Yes, it takes more time to put together great visuals with a contextual post, but when done right, the ROI can be astronomical. I wrote a blog post several years back about all the factors that go into SEO and what Google looks at when ranking a site. It drove some decent traffic, but a colleague of mine took that exact same content and put it into an amazing infographic and it literally put his name…