Lindsay Teague Moreno is an author, podcaster and business owner whose business has been known to bring in seven-figure months. In just two short years, she built a seven-figure personal income selling Young Living Essential Oils, using only social media. She did it with three little girls at home, learning by example from her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, all entrepreneurs. (If you’re wondering, the latter did hair out of her home, dying and then straightening it using a literal iron.) She has since built nine businesses surrounding her Young Living empire, some of which she sold for millions of dollars.

Her Amazon bestselling book, Getting Noticed, is a road map of how she grew several businesses online from scratch. Her podcast, Boss Up!, only recently published its twentieth episode and already has over 1 million downloads. Last year, CNBC featured Moreno’s sales business, which is projected to bring in $250 million this year and has grown to a team of over 400,000 members in four years.

Floored by her success and skeptical of the multi-level marketing (MLM) model, I was excited to chat with her about how she did it and her advice for other franchisees or MLM business owners. Here are my top seven tips for social selling success from my conversation with her.

Make sure you love the brand.

We’ve all seen it happen over and over again in our own circles. Franchises that open and close within the first two years. Friends who are so excited for six months and then never mention their new business again. If you want to truly be successful as a franchisee, distributor or consultant underneath someone else’s brand umbrella, you must love that umbrella.

“Before you can make a business out of anything, you have to believe in the product that you sell,” Moreno said. “I have a lot of people who will come to me, and they just want to get rich fast …. I don’t spend my time with them, because that’s not what we’re here for. If you want to sell a product, you have got to love it. I you love the product, you can absolutely make a business out of it.”

Find your own way of doing business.

Moreno is successful because she broke all of the existing network marketing molds, especially when it came to her industry, essential oils. This task can be difficult to figure out since your corporate office will have its own set of guidelines and standards, but if you want to stay passionate about your business, you have to put your own spin on things.

“I don’t think that you have to run your MLM business like an MLM business. I don’t,” she explained. “I didn’t go in with any pre-expectations about how it should be. I think that the person that’s going to do great at it is the person that walks in and is confident to say, ‘I’m going to do this the way that it’s going to work for me.'”

For the record, Moreno did have her fair share of struggles with Young Living corporate since she had such a strong, fast-growing brand of her own. Over time, they got to know each other better and smoothed out their relationship. Moreno is a risk taker, clearly the “ask for forgiveness, not permission” type — make sure you’re comfortable with the risks you’re taking.

Hustle hard the first few years.

Moreno shared that she would open her eyes and immediately pull her laptop up onto her bed to start working. She worked as much as she could with young kids at home, and asked her husband for the ability to immediately get back to work when he got home in the evenings. “I was working 100-hour work weeks, easy. I was working that much. I’d pick my computer up in the morning, and I go to sleep at 3 a.m. I knew that I had to for these two years.”

The payoff was definitely worth it for the Morenos….