Did you know that Agorapulse now has publishing categories? It’s like having a secret assistant that makes sure you never forget anything and always stay interesting– in other words, it makes you seem even smarter than you are!

If you use publishing categories the right way, you’ll get better results and engagement on social media in less time!

What Are Agorapulse Publishing Categories?

What Agorapulse publishing categories for social media look like

Social media is all about sharing content that will get your audience to engage. But as we all know, only a fraction of your audience sees each of your posts. Because of this, you can have fantastic content that’s never seen by the people who need it most.

Much of this content isn’t time sensitive– it’ll be just as valid a month from now as it is today. This type of content is known as “evergreen” content. In the past, the only way to share evergreen content with Agorapulse was through a long single queue set on repeat. The brand new category option changes all that. Let’s take a look at how it works.

In the “Publishing” tab, select “Queued” to create your publishing categories.

Creating a publishing category with Agorapulse

Time to get your queue set up!

1. Create a publishing category name. This might be something like “recipes,” “home buying tips,” “yoga videos,” or “parenting tips” depending on your industry and the type of content you post. More on that later!

2. Make your queue visual and choose a color. This will help you easily see what’s what.

3. Craft queue rules. It’s really important that you don’t just keep posting the same content every day. Otherwise rather than looking smart, you’ll look lazy. So set guidelines about how frequently you want the same content posted. If you don’t have enough content in the queue, it means a time on your content calendar will get skipped.

4. Organize your queue. If you have already been using the queue for a while, you may have a lot of content in your general queue. Now is a great time to sort that out into your categories and create a separate schedule for each one.

What Publishing Categories Should I Use?

Take some time to brainstorm ideas. Think about the types of things that are of interest to your audience and related to your brand. Here are some examples to help you…