Is it Time to Cut Back? A Minimalist Approach to Social Media Marketing.

Social media marketing is beneficial for a number of reasons. It improves brand awareness, brings new leads to your website, improves search engine rankings and provides excellent market research opportunities.

With this in mind, it’s no wonder that 92 percent of marketers say that social media is important to their business. However, since there are so many ways that you can use social media every day, it’s easy for social media marketing to become unfocused. Instead of benefitting your customers, excessive social media usage can detract from more urgent revenue-generating activities.

Social media is crucial for generating awareness, but a business cannot survive on awareness alone. It also needs sales. If you’re spreading yourself too thin with your social media activities and your business is suffering, it may be time to explore a minimalist approach to social media.

Cutting back on social media will enable you to spend more time on directly driving sales — cold emailing, PPC advertising, etc. Additionally, a minimalist approach forces you to carefully consider the objectives and execution of your social media marketing — which can lead to greater long-term profits.

Here are some steps you can take for a minimalist approach to social media marketing.

Create a schedule.

Because social media marketing is an ongoing process with no definitive start or end point, managing the amount of time you spend on each channel can be difficult.

It’s easy to log into Twitter with the intention of answering customer service queries and find yourself — several hours later — crafting new branded images for Instagram in Canva. Even worse, you might come across some interesting content and become completely distracted with activities that don’t benefit your business whatsoever.

For this reason, it’s imperative to schedule blocks of…