It's 'Light the Fire' Week on Copyblogger

We all have those times when we’re sort of coasting … gently floating along, letting things happen the way they will.

But that time is not today. This week, we’re fired up and ready to help you get (safely, sanely) out of your comfort zone and into some serious progress.

On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman outlined seven occasions when progress isn’t so pretty — and why they can all be great signs that you’re on the right track. Because progress doesn’t need to feel like you’re hanging from a cliff — but it’s not always totally comfortable, either.

On Tuesday, we asked our longtime community member Hashim Warren to share some thoughts with us about how to craft “the offer.” I’ve seen this one really tie otherwise excellent content creators in knots. Hashim has been there, with the scars to prove it — and he’s brought us a super useful post on how to get your loyal audience to actually buy something by giving them a “RUVU” offer. (Plus, there’s…