My Top 3 Favorite Content Promotion Tactics for 2018

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

I’m sure you’ve read lots of articles about content promotion before. In fact, I’ve written quite a few myself. The fact is, there’s already an article — or dozens (or more) — on pretty much any aspect of content promotion you can think of.

But while the amount of content published has increased rapidly over the years, content views have fallen, according to Buzzsumo’s 2018 Content Trends report. Why? Because competition is fierce and the industry is only getting more and more saturated and competitive.

So, if you think you were doing a great job six months ago, the bar has already risen. Everything you think you know about content promotion, you need to reevaluate.

In 2017, I promoted over 100 articles for 20-plus websites. Along the way, I picked up a few strategies for content promotion that actually get results. These are my top three.

1. Piggyback on popular topics.

When something is done well, there’s hype around it. By piggybacking off of a popular topic, you already know there’s a demand for it. Plus, you can leverage the original article and engage the people who worked on it.

When Glassdoor published its list of the best small and medium companies to work for, we knew we wanted to create a guest post based on that list. To promote it, we reached out to those same 50 companies, plus Glassdoor.

We used the piece as a way to open doors and build relationships. That way, we were able to aggregate information to create a well-rounded article, and at the same time, connect with people who could share it with their personal networks.

As a result, it ended up with 32,000-plus visitors and 152 back links.

2. Look for content gaps.

Most topics have been written about over and over again. But every once…