New Media Equals New PR Opportunities for Business Owners

In the last decade, a lot has been made of the “demise of traditional media.” While newspaper readership is down, media consumption in general has skyrocketed. In fact, in the United States, adults spend almost half of their time on some kind of electronic device, watching, reading and listening to media sources. This trend creates more, not less, opportunities for business owners looking to reach audiences through media.

Media is an all-encompassing term that includes all of the many ways used to reach a mass audience. Television, newspapers, magazines, radio, social media, apps, podcasts, and blogging are just some of the avenues traditionally used to communicate with consumers. Given all of these options, it can seem overwhelming or fruitless to conduct outreach campaigns through the media.

By using the right tools, you can start to create a successful relationship with both the media and your audience.

Finding a place to start.

The trick is to narrow your audience before you begin. The better you know the public you are trying to reach, the easier it will be to find and communicate with them. Once you’ve defined your audience within specific parameters, you can find the correct outlet to reach them.

For example, while it is easy to assume that Facebook is a good place to start (this platform has double the users of any other social platform), not all messages are equally received through social media. However, a company with a B2B model will likely be banging its head against the wall, generating content that the wrong users…