This post originally ran on the CMWorld blog on 8/31/16. We’ve updated it slightly with some new thoughts and new links for you. Enjoy!

When you come to an event, you’re tasked with the job of justifying the investment, and a big part of that is bringing back tangible learnings to your management and/or your team.

That got our team thinking:

  • How do you stay organized?
  • How do you take notes in sessions and remember the key ideas the speaker shared?
  • How do large groups from the same company come back with notes with some semblance of consistency, especially if you’re collectively trying to hit as many sessions as possible?
  • How do you communicate that “ah ha” moment back to your team – and convey exactly what you wanted to say after traveling home?

I asked the CMI team how they work when they attend conferences and events – either now or in the past – and the methods were certainly mixed.

  • Some have a specific way of note taking – whether on their computer or with good ol’ pen and paper.
  • Some work straight into Powerpoint so the deck is being created as you go along
  • Some just listen, some tweet, some read and favorite others’ tweets so they don’t have to engage.

One of our teammates summed it up well: “People always have their own systems. But, regardless of the format, having an event give us a template of some sort is a good reminder of what you want to walk out of the session with.”

Here were a few others that I could relate to, and that made me chuckle. (They’re funny because they’re true!)

“Every time I take paper notes they get lost. If I was traveling to an event, I think a digital format of some sort would be a must.”

“If a team is dividing…