If you have a website property verified in Google Search Console, and the website is not HTTPS-secured, you’ve likely seen some form of the following message in your dashboard recently:

After months of talk and speculation, Google has finally started to move forward with its plan to secure the web by enforcing HTTPS. Although HTTPS had previously only been a concern for e-commerce sites or sites with login functionality, this latest update affects significantly more sites. The vast majority of websites have a contact page (or something similar) that contains a contact or subscription form. Those forms almost always contain text input fields like the ones Google warns about in the message above. The “NOT SECURE” warning has already been appearing on insecure sites that collect payment information or passwords. It looks like this in a user’s URL bar:

Now that this warning will be displaying for a much larger percentage of the web, webmasters can’t put off an HTTPS implementation any longer. Unfortunately, Google’s advice to webmasters for solving this problem is about as vague and unhelpful as you might imagine:

Implementing HTTPS is not a simple process. The Washington Post published a blog post outlining their 10-month HTTPS migration back in 2015, and numerous sites (including Moz) have reported experiencing major traffic fluctuations following their migrations. The time and resources required to migrate to HTTPS are no minor investment; we’re talking about a substantial website overhaul. In spite of these obstacles, Google has shown little sympathy for the plight of webmasters:

Google’s singular focus in this area is to provide a better user experience to web visitors by improving Internet security. On its surface, there’s nothing wrong with this movement. However, Google’s blatant disregard for the complexities this creates for webmasters leaves a less-than-pleasant taste in my mouth, despite their good intentions.

Luckily, there’s a bit of a silver lining to these HTTPS concerns. Over the last few years, we’ve worked with a number of different clients to implement HTTPS on their sites using a variety of different methods. Each experience was unique and presented its own set of challenges and obstacles. In a previous post, I wrote about the steps to take before, during, and after a migration based on our experience. In this post, my focus is instead on highlighting the pros and cons of various HTTPS services, including non-traditional implementations.

Here are the three methods we’ve worked with for our clients:

  1. Traditional HTTPS implementation
  2. Let’s Encrypt
  3. Cloudflare

Method 1: Traditional HTTPS implementation

A traditional HTTPS implementation starts with purchasing an SSL certificate from a trusted provider, like Digicert or GeoTrust (hint: if a site selling SSL certificates is not HTTPS-secured, don’t buy from them!). After that, you’ll need to verify the certificate with the Certificate Authority you purchased it from through a Certificate Signing Request (CSR); this just proves that you do manage the site you claim to be managing. At this point, your SSL certificate will be validated, but you’ll still have to implement it across your site. Namecheap has a great article about installing SSL certificates depending on your server type. Once that SSL certificate has been installed, your site will be secured, and you can take additional steps to enable HSTS or forced HTTPS rewrites at this point.

  1. Complete security. With a fully validated SSL certificate installed on your root server, there is no possibility of having a compromised connection between your server and site, or between your site and the site visitor.
  2. Customizable. One of the features of a full SSL implementation is that you can purchase an Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate. This not only provides your green padlock in the browser bar, but also includes your company name to provide further assurance to visitors that your site is safe and secure.
  3. Easier to implement across multiple subdomains. If you have multiple subdomains, what you’ll likely need for your HTTPS implementation is either a separate SSL certificate for each subdomain or a wildcard certificate for all variations of your domain. A traditional SSL service is often the easiest way to set up a wildcard certificate if you need to secure several variations.
  1. Expensive. Though basic SSL certificates may be available for as little as $150, depending on the complexity of your site, these costs can quickly increase to several thousand dollars if…