Real Talk about Moving Forward with Your Big Idea

Great to see you again! This week on Copyblogger, we looked at how to make progress on projects and opportunities that might seem intimidating at first.

Stefanie Flaxman showed us how to take that Big Idea (exciting, challenging, scary) and break it down until you discover your first (or next) move. She shared a process for taking manageable, sustainable steps on that exciting new project … and actually get it done.

On Tuesday, our business partner Brian Gardner swung by to let us know about a brand-new, free ebook by Sean Jackson on effective search engine optimization that doesn’t compromise your relationship with your audience.

And on Wednesday, I talked about the phenomenon of “little hinges that swing big doors.” Sometimes, doing something small opens a whole new world of opportunities. I’m joined by Stefanie Flaxman and Loryn Thompson with stories about small actions that led…