When most people think of a social media influencer platform, they assume it involves finding bloggers with massive followings and buying social endorsements from big celebrities. Research shows, however, that it’s more effective to build relationships with the right micro-influencers and invest in an influencer marketing platform that allows for end-to-end campaign management – not just parts and pieces.

Micro-influencers tend to have more active and engaged audiences who are more likely to act on those influencers’ recommendations. In fact, 82% of consumers say they’re highly likely to follow a recommendation made by a micro-influencer1. They are seen as more credible and more knowledgeable about how a product works or could be used than a celebrity spokesperson. Because niche influencers aren’t as inundated with brand pitches, it’s also much easier to access, engage, and build real relationships with these influencers.

Now which of these options would your marketing team choose: Spending time trying to force (or buy) sponsorships with big-name analysts or celebrities, or creating relationships and long-term opportunities that allow micro-influencers to do the talking for you?

The former technically falls into the display advertising bucket and, to be clear, it can be effective if your brand and budget are big enough, or your product/story is truly disruptive. But most brands would be wise to direct their resources towards tools and technology that can help partners become megaphones for their business.

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