How To Use Social Media for Word Of Mouth Marketing

How To Use Social Media for Word Of Mouth Marketing

Who do you turn to when you want to know whether to purchase a product or service? Word of mouth marketing extends far beyond face-to-face and phone conversations to texting, messaging, social media and blogging. We are now the media to our audience.

“Peer recommendations drive sales. 70% of consumers said they were influenced by a friend or family member’s online recommendation, beating out in-person recommendation (61%), online articles (59%), ads (49%), or someone they follow online but don’t know (32%)” ~ Brian Solis

How you use social media will depend on your particular needs and focus, but there are several ways in which you can get the word out on your brand. What makes word of mouth marketing so powerful?

It is simply a person recommending your company to another person who could then becomes a potential buyer. For example, if their best friend says “use this business” most chances are they will and also share it with others online.

Word of mouth marketing is considered to be more trustworthy than other forms of marketing as well as paid advertisements. It’s one reason why companies love to get celebrities and influencers to promote their products and services. What’s more, it’s free. You don’t have to pay people to talk about your business — they’ll do this willingly. Social media helps you build up that loyalty through authentic communication and offering high value to your community.

Here are some benefits of leveraging social media the right way to encourage word of mouth recommendations:

1 – New leads and customers

You’ll have access to a lot more people…