Are you worried about how to avoid Twitter penalties because of the new rules about duplicate tweets? Does it seem like using a content scheduler won’t save you time anymore? Don’t worry, you can still save time and create better content through the smart use of content queues— you just need to be strategic about it.

Understanding Twitter’s “why”

Twitter didn’t introduce the new rules about duplicate content for the fun of it. If they want to keep us engaged and on the platform, they have to create the best possible user experience. No one wants to see the same content circulating over and over again– especially when so much of it is pushed by bots that don’t care about creating value for the audience.

However, this move does impact social media managers that have used duplicate content responsibly as well, so many of us need to make some adjustments.

Using content queues the smart way

Up until now, most of us have been using content queues to schedule content in advance. It helps us save time, grow that Twitter following and increase our reach. Even with the changes, there’s no need to abandon content queues completely– we just need to change up the strategy.

Sharing the same article on different accounts

As a social media manager, you are managing a lot of different accounts. Sometimes, the same article might be absolutely perfect for two different clients.

For example, one of my clients is a yoga non-profit, and another is a child and parenting blog. If I find a great article about how mindfulness helps children, or about parents and their kids doing yoga together, it is relevant to both audiences.

In the past, I would have queued the article and not thought about it again. However, because of the new changes, the Agorapulse tool will not let me schedule both of the tweets together, even if they are scheduled to go out at different times.

Content Queues: how to avoid twitter penalties

In this case, I simply need to schedule the content twice. This is where the Agorapulse browser extension comes in handy. When I’m reading the article, I can click on the extension, schedule the content for one specific account, and then schedule it for the other one.

This also gives me the opportunity to customize the text…