The Secret to Making Facebook Ads Work for Your Business

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Did you know that the attention of a goldfish is nine seconds? Ours is shorter — we only have an attention span of eight seconds.

So, when it comes to catching the eye of a potential customer, you got to be quick, engaging and to the point. This is where Facebook ads come in. The channel is ideal for companies looking to quickly influence the right demographic for your business.

As the author of the Amazon bestseller How To Turn Your Digital Footprint Into Leads, I have worked with hundreds of business owners. What I have learned is they all have one common struggle: the lack of consistency in generating quality leads.

For those also facing that challenge, here are the steps to quickly make Facebook ads work for your business:

Do your research.

You need to figure out pain points of your ideal customer. What do they need? What are their wants? A lot of business owners just assume pain points but don’t search for actual data to prove their assumptions. Don’t do that. Rather, by researching your customers’ market desires, along with their fears and concerns, you can craft copy in a way that will generate responses from each ad you run.

To find out pain points, look at competitors’ reviews on Google, Amazon and Yelp, study forums for your niche and of course, simply ask people.

This is the most important step when you are building your customer avatar.

Get creative.

People are going to miss your ad if the creative is boring. It needs to stand out and make Facebook visitors stop and take action.When setting up an ad and choosing…