The “Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action” funnel could be key to your marketing success. Find out how it works.

Understanding the Consumer Sales Cycle

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The following excerpt is from Robert W. Bly’s book The Digital Marketing Handbook. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound

Marketing funnels of consumer products are the various paths on which potential customers travel to reach their destination: the purchase of a product. Each potential customer enters onto a path from a different point of product awareness, such as a social media marketing channel or an online advertisement, and then continues along the path, intersecting with other paths of potential customers.

Along the way, on each of these paths through the funnel, you create marketing actions for your customers to engage and drive them to the next step, such as signing up to receive a weekly email that offers entertaining information related to the product or signing up for a free white paper or brochure. This is the first point of capturing leads that can be nurtured further with targeted messages.

As customers take the next step, they move down into the neck of the funnel toward the purchase of the product. Some will get to the goal sooner than others depending on the urgency of their needs. Regardless of whether the purchase happens at once or if customers continue to show interest but do not buy, continuing to tag customers in some way is an essential part of keeping them on the path through the funnel—no matter how slow the journey.

A classic funnel for persuasion is AIDA, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Let’s take a closer look at each of those elements and dive into what they mean for you.


Your layout for a product-based marketing funnel starts with the awareness process, by which you get the…