When I first started managing Instagram accounts for organizations, I did it all manually. When it was time to post, I searched for the image I wanted in my photos app. Then, I typed out the caption and hashtags with my thumbs. I would have to schedule times in my calendar for Instagram posting.

Now, I use an Instagram posting app to do most of the work ahead of time so that all I have to do when it is time to post is hit “Share.”

Have you been posting manually to Instagram? Are you ready to kick it up a notch with your Instagram management and use a tool like an Instagram posting app?

Why Use an Instagram Posting App?

Save time and money in the long run.

You may be nervous to pay for a tool, especially when you’ve been managing your Instagram account (or multiple accounts) on your own. It may seem like you’ve been doing it for “free,” but actually, you haven’t. Your time has value, and if you have employees, you know their time has value too.

Compose many posts at once.

If you don’t use any software, you might end up editing the image and writing the caption moments before publishing each Instagram post. This can be difficult when you want to post early in the morning or after a long, tired day of work, just so you can post at an optimal time for your followers. By using an app for posting to Instagram, you can schedule many posts at once when your mind is clear and get them ready for posting.

So, what Instagram posting app should you use? Below, I’ve included many features that matter to me. It’s interesting to see what tools are available and how they stack up.

Instagram Posting App Features That Matter to Me (and should matter to you too)

Instagram is Instagram, but when it comes to third-party tools for helping you work smarter, not all tools are the same. Here are some features that mattered to me when I was looking for a tool to post to Instagram.

Scheduling and notifications

I wanted an app that could allow me to schedule posts ahead of time, including setting posting times for my Instagram content. I also wanted a tool that would notify me when my content is ready to post. Then I could put a lot of content up at once and then my phone would remind me during the day/week. There are many types of Instagram posts…