Storytelling is a vital element of content marketing. So it is no surprise we can learn a thing or two from fiction writers. Stoney deGeyter, President of Pole Position Marketing, is currently working on a novel titled A Crossed Time. As he wrote, Stoney found many strategies he used to author his book were tricks he could use when creating content for clients. To tell us more about his experiences, Stoney joined us for a recent #CMWorld chat.

What are the similarities in writing fiction vs. writing content for the web?

A1.1 The number one similarity is that it has to be interesting. Of course, that means different things for different mediums, but you HAVE to get people’s attention, keep their attention, and make them want to keep reading. #CMWorld

— Stoney deGeyter (@StoneyD) January 23, 2018


– It’s best if you write perfectly for the audience you’ve got in mind, and…