Why Marie Forleo Says This One Marketing Trick Is So Important

Thanks to the success of the SELF Journal (our flagship planning, productivity and success tool), our company became one of the fastest growing businesses on Shopify. BestSelf.Co.’s rapid growth helped us win Shopify’s first Build a BIGGER Business Competition and a prize that included a week of mentoring from our business heroes on Tony Robbins’ private island retreat.

Here’s what Marie Forleo, creator of MarieTV and founder of B-School, taught us about marketing while we were in Fiji.

Turn the spotlight outwards.

Image credit: Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery

Forleo had a lot to share, but without question, our biggest takeaway was to tell more of our customers’ stories.

We’ve used storytelling in the past as a tool for our business. For example, we’ve shared case studies and we post examples of completed journal pages in our marketing and on social media. But, thanks to our one-on-one meeting with Forleo, we realized there’s a heap of potential we’ve not yet explored — especially because our business helps people write their own incredible stories!

All our products are enablers. Everything we create is designed to help people unlock their potential, achieve their goals and create a life they can be proud of. We’ve had people use their journal to lose weight, start a business, grow a business, write a book and run a marathon. Recently, one customer used his journal to save $20,000. As a result, our products lend themselves perfectly to storytelling.

This is important for business growth because as Forleo reminded us facts tell, but stories sell. Our buying decisions are emotionally charged. It’s why we’ll often buy when we can imagine ourselves in someone else’s success story. When you can picture yourself feeling those same feelings of accomplishment and success, you’ll often take the same action in an effort to get those results.

As a thought process it goes something like this: If they’re like me and they can do it, then so can I?

So, if you want to persuade people to buy without being manipulative, stories can do a lot of the legwork for you. It’s why we’re going to follow Forleo’s advice and share more.

Overcome objections.

Forleo also explained how she uses customer stories to overcome common objections to her offers. For example, her signature online business building program, B-School, attracts…