3 Ways Facebook Spaces Could Revolutionize the Business World

Virtual reality (VR) has been on everyone’s mind lately. It is easily one of the most anticipated technological breakthroughs of the last decade. Mark Zuckerberg has been talking up the concept for a long time.


Now that Facebook recently introduced the world to Spaces, it’s looking like the time is finally here when we see VR become a significant part of our lives. Facebook Spaces is a VR experience that can be shared with up to three Oculus Rift (recently bought by Facebook) headset owners. Spaces and Messenger are brought together in which users can interact with each other through virtual windows.

Businesses of all industries are salivating at the possibilities of bringing this flashy element to their messaging. We’ve gotten a taste of how VR can have a profound impact on marketing — the United Nations’ Clouds Over Sidra video being a prime example.

There are three big possibilities.

With the creative possibilities being practically endless, there are several big changes Spaces could potentially bring to the marketplace. Let’s talk about three of the big ones.

1. Bridge the Gap Between Brick and Mortar and E-commerce

As it stands right now, one thing is becoming clear in the business world: brick and mortar retail stores are on the way out. 2017 has seen mass closures of stores once known as staples in every mall. Some of the big ones included Macy’s, Sears, JC Penny, and Kmart.

It seems as though we are at odds when it comes to shopping. The e-commerce customer experience is built upon a foundation of simplicity and convenience. As great as this concept is, online consumerism comes with drawbacks.

Perhaps the biggest one is you never really know what you’re getting until it shows up at your doorstep. Once Spaces begins to hit its stride and a full-on alternative VR universe presents itself, “brick and mortar” stores could take on a whole new meaning.

Businesses could set up full-equipped virtual stores with customer support employees readily available. Visitors would be able to…