For those who don’t have a lot of experience with social media, getting started can feel pretty overwhelming. Especially when there are so many people out there doing it so well.

Even after you’ve begun to gain some traction, you can have moments of mind-boggle. We’ve managed to grow our agency’s following on Facebook to over 37,000, yet I still look at amazing Pinterest graphics and cool interactive Facebook posts from other businesses sometimes and feel like we still have much to learn.

Like anything, the key to mastering social media is to just start and improve little by little.

If you feel intimidated about getting started with social media, here are four easy marketing tips to help you get started:

Social Media Marketing Tips for Newbies

social media for new business owers

Limit Yourself to Two Platforms

I think where many people go wrong is by trying to do too much at once. They decide to start a blog, Instagram, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest account, and LinkedIn profile all at once. Then it’s a huge hassle to maintain all of that so they give up before they see any real progress. Womp, womp.

My advice is to start with a maximum of two platforms — any more than that will be overwhelming unless you have a team of people to assist you.

What two platforms should you use? The platforms your customers are most likely to be on, of course! This may take a little digging on your part.

Do some research and find out what social media platforms your customers are the most active on and then you can get started on your top two. You can find demographic information online for various social media platforms with a few simple Google searches.

And because you aren’t spreading yourself too thin, you’ll be able to engage with your audience more and create better content for them.

Optimize your Social Media Profiles

social media for new bloggers

Now that you’ve chosen your two platforms, it’s time to optimize your social media profiles. What do I mean by this? Simply that you need to give yourself the best chance possible to gain more followers.

Write a really engaging description of yourself and your company and use keywords to help you appear higher in the search engine listings. This will help your audience can find you when they search online.

If you don’t know much about search engine rankings, I would recommend checking out this article at Social Media Examiner on how you can improve your rankings by optimizing your social media profiles.

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