Main image via Todd Van Pelt (Flickr)| License CC 2.0

Jeremy Bednarski, a longtime friend of CMI and Content Marketing World, has been one of our biggest supporters. Jeremy epitomizes “getting the most out of an in-person event,” and we are thrilled for Jeremy’s insights on his previous CMWorld experiences. Jeremy is the marketing manager at Goldstein Group Communications, and will indeed be in attendance at CMWorld 2017.

It was August 1996 and my buddies and I went to the World Series of Metal. At most concerts, we tried to get as close to the stage as we could and stayed there. This time was different. Maybe it was the summer heat or seeing Anthrax (one of our favorite bands), but we felt adventurous. We decided to stage dive.

For my first attempt, I climbed up on the stage. I looked around for my friends. For some reason that I still don’t know, I turned toward a group of complete strangers instead. I took a running start, closed my eyes and jumped. Instead of landing on outstretched arms like you see in music videos, I landed on the ground with a hard thud. I learned a valuable lesson that day: Always jump where your friends are.

Content Marketing Friends

You may be asking yourself, “what does that have to do with content marketing?” A lot, actually. At last year’s Content Marketing World, Mitch Joel gave advice to those starting a podcast. He said to start with your friends. They can be potential guests or help you spread the word. His point was that It’s much easier to…