“Enter for a chance to win…”

I see that call to action—or something similar—all over.

You do, too. Social media is certainly no exception. Contests, competitions, and sweepstakes are raging hot across the major networks as a go-to strategy for so many content marketers.


The answer is that we humans are wired to get involved in contests. We want to play, compete, and, of course, win.

As a copywriter and marketing strategist, I’ve been probing what makes people tick for decades. I know a fair share about what engages people, but I’m no psychologist.

So I did some research because I wanted to know why “contest marketing” is so compelling.

I picked up these insights from Sander van der Linder PhD on Psychology Today:

  • For most people, there is something inexplicably compelling about the nature of competition.
  • “Competitiveness” is a biological trait that co-evolved with the basic need for survival.

After allowing a shrink to have his say, I wanted insights from someone in the business of helping marketers create and execute contests.

The CEO of ShortStack, Jim Belosic, laid it out simply: “There’s no need to overthink it. Entering a contest is simply a fun thing to do. When social media enthusiasts are on Facebook or Instagram or any other channel they enjoy, they’re bound to click through to some form of competition that features a prize, game, or an activity that strikes them as entertaining.”

From a business point of view, we’ll bring in Wendy Keller, a VIP contributor to Entrepreneur, who offers some insights in her post, How a Contest or Giveaway Can Attract Business Prospects: “The main reason businesses do contests…is because it attracts a flood of new customers. The more people who know about your contest, the more people who know about your business.”

Wendy continues, “The net effect of these kinds of big, splashy things is that it makes you more memorable, as someone who does interesting, refreshing things in your industry.”

Four Reasons Your Marketing Should Include Contests

A post from the American Express OPENForum details four ideas on why contests are bound to be an effective part of your marketing strategy. The post explains that contests…

  • Build your fan base. Contests offer a proven way to increase fans and followers on social media. A basic sweepstakes with a low barrier to entry is an effective option for brands just starting out with social media contests or those with a small fan base.
  • Engage your audience. Contests provide ameans to deepen connections. A user-generated content (UGC) promotion—such as a photo or video contest—taps into the human drive to compete and provides an opportunity for everyone to experience their 15 minutes of fame. When participants upload their own content to your promotion, they become more invested in your brand.
  • Provide rich data. The lure of…