Make your Twitter Bio shine bright with these 3 tips.

Are you the next Twitter Superstar?



But if you are like the rest of us humble Tweeters, you need an attention-worthy Twitter Bio to get discovered on the noisy social platform. A discoverable Twitter Bio is critical whether you’re a job seeker, hiring manager, big brand, or solopreneur.

Consider this:

Why risk losing business and job opportunities with a so-so Bio? You may not be the next Twitter Superstar, but you can have a Superstar Bio.

Here are 3 top tips for a Superstar Twitter Bio that will dazzle and get you discovered!

1) Take The Perfect Profile Photo

In less than one-half of one-tenth of a second we draw conclusions about people based on a photo.

That isn’t a lot of time to make a positive and lasting first impression!

Whether you use a professional headshot or a smartphone snap, be true to you. Use a current photo that’s an accurate representation of who you are. There is a difference between an enhanced version of you and an exaggerated one.

Practice your smile! A winning smile makes you appear approachable and helpful. Be captivating, not creepy: a genuine smile never goes out of style. (For a more tips on creating the perfect profile photo, click here)

 2) Keep It “Business Casual”
 You have 160 characters to describe your best self in your Bio description. The biggest missed opportunity is not giving your Bio a personal touch. Make your Bio “business casual”: keep a professional vibe and accessorize with your unique personality.

Brian Fanzo does a great job of keeping it “business casual”:

 Try adding special characters for a touch of visual interest to your Bio. I’m a fan of stars:


A few well-placed and meaningful hashtags help your discoverability. Three to four is plenty. Use hashtags with a favorite hobby, your profession, or a passion project. Our Social Services Manager Shana Williams has the perfect mix:


For more stellar Bios, check out this Twitter list by sree sreenivasan HERE.

3)  Add A Link To Your Website
You can only say so much in 160 characters. A link to your website provides users with additional professional and personal information.

No website? No problem! Use an profile, your LinkedIn profile page, or even your Periscope channel as your “website.”


Bonus Tip: Don’t worry if you don’t get it quite right the first time. I’ve gone through many iterations before I found a formula that works for me. Try new things, ask your friends for feedback, and always remember to have some fun…like Kevin Spacey:

Do you have a favorite Superstar Bio?

Tweet us a @oneQube and share with us!