The following excerpt is from Kim Walsh Phillips’s book Ultimate Guide to Instagram for Business. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

One of my favorite quotes is from Og Mandino: “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” This thought is certainly true for your Instagram account.

One of the most challenging parts of getting an ROI from Instagram is that you have only one link to use. The link inside your bio is the only spot you can use to actively drive a prospect into your sales funnel. This link should be used wisely and never simply as a link to your home page.

Since Instagram isn’t a place people go looking for goods and services, to use this networking platform as a lead generation tool, you need to offer your prospects something of value in order to get them to click on your bio link.

Enter your magnetic offer

The goal with your Instagram link is to provide something so valuable that the prospect would pay for it if it wasn’t free. But of course, they don’t need to pay you. All they need to do is give you their contact information. This could be a free guide, ebook, report, coupon/certificate, video series, webinar, mind map, check list or ticket to an event.

Following your magnetic offer (or lead magnet), there should be an opportunity for your prospect to become a customer. If you own an ecommerce business, this offer could come immediately following the initial magnetic offer, while high-end luxury products might use a few messages in between to nurture the relationship before asking for the sale. For consulting services and health care practitioners, your goal is to drive your prospect to an offline conversation.

Creating your lead magnet

My husband and I have been house hunting for three years now. Through several mishaps, houses we’ve gone after have fallen through. In these three years, we’ve seen close to 100 houses.

In many of the homes we’ve looked at, there’s wallpaper we know will have to be removed. I’ve done this job before, and if you have, too, you know that it sucks. If we did…