This year for our Content Marketing World 2018 speakers, we have the remarkable Tamsen Webster offering our CMWorld speakers monthly guidance. This information will be invaluable to our speakers, but we thought why not include this for our entire #CMWorld community?

Based on our annual research, 2018 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends – North America, 56% of respondents use in-person events to distribute content for content marketing purposes.

But marketers aren’t always at events, doing breakout sessions, or larger opportunities such as this. They’re part of new business pitches, client meetings, laying out plans for stakeholders, and more. For those of us that are whizzes on social media, writers by trade, or expert analysts, many of us weren’t trained specifically to be on a stage or in front of a room full of people. But, we’re often thrust into positions where we have to be comfortable in front of a crowd, because let’s be honest, we know our stuff, but are often paralyzed with fear thinking about how we’re going to present our work to others.

After interviewing Tamsen after Content Marketing World 2016, I’ve been a big fan of her work,…